Sun Safety Risks That Might Surprise You

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You know that you need to slather on sunscreen if you love soaking up the sun. But it’s not always easy in this modern world, and even people with a lot of sun safety sense might unintentionally expose themselves to more risk than they think.

Even though many Americans are aware that we should be using sunscreen regularly for greater protection against skin cancer risks like melanoma (which kills over 2-3% of its victims), recent studies show us just how difficult it is – when outside during peak hours or working around dangerous equipment without shade at work, most people don’t use enough SPF 30+; while indoors under an air conditioner all day long puts them right back into danger again!

With summer in full swing, you’ve probably noticed the number on your sunscreen bottle. SPF stands for sun protection factor and this is a guide to how long it would take before UVB burns without being protected with an appropriate level of SPF coverage.

It means that if you have used 30-SPF then your skin should be able to withstand exposure from sunlight up to thirty times longer than when unprotected! The Skin Cancer Foundation suggests wearing at least 15+ during any kind of outdoor activity or alternatively use SPFs between 20-30 while enjoying some time outdoors like going swimming or biking through parks and green space.

While you may have known that there are two types of harmful rays from the sun, UVB and UVA, it is important to know what these both do. While they won’t cause visible burns like those caused by UVBs in their own right, exposure to long-wave (UVA) can still lead to indirect damages; this includes wrinkles as well as potentially skin cancer if made frequent enough! So when looking for sunscreen make sure not only look out for broad-spectrum but also one with ingredients that protect against both.

You can avoid sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer by wearing sunscreen from head to toe. One way you know if your clothing is protecting you enough is if it’s too hot outside but not when the material covers just one part of your body, like an arm or leg.